Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And the story continues

So as of today there are no clear cut answers to any of my disease related health issues (shocker).  But there are other health issues that have come up that are as of today unexplained (another shocker).  I have lots of stomach/abdomen issues which includes pain(lots and lots of pain), loss of appetite (which could be good cause with my meds, I have lost 26lbs in 4 months), over all discomfort, and the newest symptom it hurts to eat. This has gotten worse in the last month or two maybe even more now, I've been so up and down in the feel like crap department that I cant tell what day it is most of the time. Anyway it has taken me a lot of begging and whining to my Mayo clinic doctors and even my primary doctors to do something.  As of today my primary has me seeing a GI person on 9-14 and Mayo has me seeing a general surgeon on 9-21. Frankly who knows whats going on, one thinks its intestinal one thinks its a hernia? Leanne thinks its FMD related.  The only thing I think at this point is MAKE THE PAIN STOP! AND its really hard being your own advocate they should have a class for that at my college.  Oh Oh and on one of my lovely reports that got sent to my house (don't know why) there was some node thing found on my lung or in my lung cavity, that now I go in for a CT scan tomorrow to see if that's grown moved gone away, that my doctor decided not to tell me about back in May because "It wasn't concerning and I had enough stuff going on". MY luck cancer will be next... Kidding people... But GAWD forbid that did happen PARTY at my house cause I just cant even think about it right now and we would all just get sh!t face drunk then worry about what to do next! And all you friends out there that have never come to my house better get your a$$ over here cause I'm pretty sure I'd for once would need the support!

On a more pleasant but not necessarily happier note, school is good, lots of homework, in fact I should be doing it, instead of writing this blog but I didn't start this blog, just to make one little post now did I. I love 2 of my instructors, like one of them and totally can not STAND the last one... SHE IS EVIL, but more about her later if I can even stand to waste my time writing about her.

Have a stellar day all! Love ME