Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm headed to NYC

So I haven't updated IN forever, so here it is, to the best of my ability, limited as it maybe.
I have been having tons of problems lately, and quite frankly they do not know whats causing them.  It could be TIA's, it could be seizures, it could be complex migraines, who really knows at this point, the doctors here sure don't.  My "good" doctor Dr. Foley thinks it's my FMD and hence my trip to NYC. 
I will be going out to see Dr. Jeff Olin who is the top FMD doctor in the country, and at that time (we hope) he will be deciding if I will be needing stents or maybe angioplasty in my carotids to hopefully stop these "events".  Which is what I have now started to call these almost daily things that have been happening.  What else has been going on is my right side has been going almost like paralyzed where my face droops and I cant move my arm or leg for anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour.  I then get a God awful headache and extremely tired afterwords, and it usually means my day is shot.  For those who have seen me have them they say I get totally pale in the face too and I can't smile normally either.  Its very scary stuff to say the least but really its all I can explain about it now.
I have just been re-scanned with MRI/MRA and there are no new findings at all so there's nothing to report with that, and it does show that I have not had a stroke, so this is a good thing. 
So wish me luck in New York because the whole reason we are going is to hopefully get answers and surgery.