Friday, August 27, 2010

The being of my major health issues

  So, back in February '10 I started noticing some weird headaches that were not normal for me. And anyone who has headaches will tell you, when they are different its time to get them checked out. Well at first I did nothing, and then Superbowl Sunday I felt "droopy" on the left side of my face, I called Leanne over and asked her to take a look, she said that my eye was squinty and that it was kinda droopy. On top of all that I got very tired and went to bed it was about 7:30 pm or so.
  The next morning after that I decided with the different headaches the droopy thing and the excessive tiredness I had been having it just might be time to go in. So I did. Lucky for me I got a wonderful urgent care doctor who scheduled me for an MRI that very day and it was off for that I went.  The next morning I got a call saying they wanted an MRA that day for sure and with some demands from the doctor, next thing I know I'm in for an MRA (at the time I didn't know what an MRA was but basically it an MRI with contrast dye given through and IV).  Okay that test done, kinda thinking okay something must have been seen on the MRI if they wanted this test so I was a bit nervous but tried not to worry too much, but I honestly don't remember how I felt at the time.
  That Wednesday morning Leanne walks back in the house after taking the kids to daycare (she missed work for me, how sweet) and said she just wanted to be with me in case I got bad news... So maybe I was more nervous than I remember.  Well at about 8:30 or 9am the phone rings, it the doctor or nurse I don't remember, and the say we need you to come to the hospital as soon as possible to check in we found something in your MRA and we need to do further tests and whatnot... I was FREAKING OUT... I was out of my mind thinking is this a tumor, brain aneurysm or what the hell is going on... So I said to the nurse/doctor  okay can I go see my kid first and then come in and they said well we really need you to come as soon as possible we have a bed all ready for you... Holy cats their worried and I wanna see my kid, so I went and saw my son anyway just in case it was really bad. 
  So I go to the hospital and long story short 3 days later CT scans, blood work, doctors and all that jazz later. I am diagnosed with Fibromusclar Dysplasia or FMD for short.  Now you ask yourselves great what is it, well its a vascular disease that affect the major artery's of the body.  My FMD happens to be affecting my carotid arteries I have a block left carotid a partially blocked right carotid and a dissection in the right. (a dissection is a tearing in the wall of the artery) My disease can cause me to have a stroke or a brain aneurysm, it causes me to get tired easy, I have memory issues (as some of you already know) ((keep the jokes down)). The first options of treatment was to treat the dissection so for 6 months I was on Coumadin (blood thinners) but as of Wednesday 8-25-10 I was taken off as the dissection is no worse and no better. So honestly right now I don't know whats going to happen except I will be on a baby aspirin for life, and most likely MRI/MRA's every six months for life as well.
  Anyway, I will update more later but this is a good starting point I think.

1 comment:

Micky said...

Thanks for creating the blog so we can all stay connected and informed on your health and life. Remember, your BBFF is always here for you :)