Friday, October 15, 2010

Hurry up and wait....Grrr

  I wonder if nurses forget that patients have lives and families too?  So my appointment with Dr. Foley was today, and I get a call about 1pm saying can you come it early our computers are going to go down at 2.  I said sure but my appointment is at 3 does that mean I will have to wait for him until 3? Oh no, he will see you early... Yeah right, strike one Dr. Foley's nurse... I will not be coming in early next time no matter how nicely you ask ...Hurry up and wait is NOT my idea of a fun afternoon... So we sat waiting for over and hour and a half...  This is not good for someone with ADD like myself...FYI
Okay now that I have complained about that.  On to the juicy parts you all have been waiting for.  If you have never had your lipid-protein panel check, yet your doctor has told you your cholesterol is fine, he or she has probably lie to you (due to their lack of knowledge).  For years I have just been told to raise my good cholesterol and everything else is fine.  Not so says my new and I might add very HIGHLY trained and accredited Dr.  My risk for a cardiac event (heart attack)  by the time I am 60 is not only possible it is highly probable due to my insulin resistance and cholesterol.  At 37 years old I need to take medication, lose weight, and change my eating habits immediately to stem off this almost certain cloud of doom. Which of course I am going to do.  Who likes the thought of possibly dying around the age of 60?
I want all of my blog readers to either talk to their doctors about getting this test lipid protein test done or go to my doctor and have it done by him or her.  There is only one place in the country that does this test it is in North Carolina, and it takes 2 weeks to get the results back.  Please do not take the numbers your doctors give you for your cholesterol for gospel. 
So now as far as this Celiac artery business, along with Leanne and Dr. Foley we have decided that we need to check the GI route first instead of doing the risky angiogram and possible Celiac bypass if I do indeed have MALS(again its still probable but not confirmed).  And as far as the MALS unless the pain gets worse the weight loss is just helping with the cholesterol.  Do you get the same feeling I do, which is everything is a big ole catch 22 with me? And you should have seen him roll his eyes when I told him nobody would give me a colonoscopy, I assume that he has no issue with his facility poking this tube up my bung hole, I of course am just thrilled with this thought.  But hey at some point in my life I know my butt must be violated by the colon inspectors, might as well be now, geez whats one more test, Ive only had about 500 in less than a year. LOL
So this my loved ones is the news of the day. On you guessed it my lovely health saga.  Are you sick of it?  You know you guys could give a sister some feed back they have a comment section for a reason and only one person has used it thus far... speak up tell me if you would like me to continue or give more or less detail. Or just say hi and let me know your actually reading this...
Thanks for reading love to all. . night night time for me. Chane


Leanne said...

I can't believe you said "bung hole" OMG honey. LOL

Micky said...

Hey BBFF... I am sorry to hear you had to wait forever to see the doc. Take care and focus on today. Luv ya BBFF

Kari Muth RN, BSN said...

OMG... you are way too funny Chane... I sorry I find humor in your Blog- but you are a darn good writer! When are you going to write something for the MWVA website??? SOON I hope... Love ya girlfriend. Yes- you have to get a GI work up before anyone would ever consider doing MALS surgery... PS. If surgery for MALS is needed: Mayo by Dr. Oderich- he he