Sunday, October 24, 2010

Comments and quick update

Okay, I think I fixed the problem with the comments.  I know a lot of you wanted to be able to post comments and were having trouble, but I re-did some settings and now you should be able to.  At least I hope so anyway. Let me know via facebook if you are still having trouble and I will keep working on it until I get it right.  BUT on that note thank you for trying I truly appreciate it.
Its been a week since my TIA, and I am feeling better, my leg is still sore from the damn angiogram.  Those things suck and for all my FMD sisters that have had to have them before me I am soooooo sorry for what you have gone through and for anyone non FMD brothers and sisters that have an angiogram, like my mama, I am sorry for you as well those things SUCK with a capitol SUCK.  My leg has pretty colors that I think I should have the paint people match some of colors in memory of this time I tell ya. Well not really I wanna for get this whole thing as guess what IT SUCKED.  Okay I've complained enough about that now.  I am still pretty tired, and the weakness on my left side is still there (sucky). I am thinking that I just may have to go through with the occupational therapy and what not. (double sucky) Otherwise, I'm fine, stressed about catching up with school from last week and getting back on track, which should be one of the least of my worries but I worked hard to get the grades I have and if I let them slip now that's a lot of money wasted if you ask me.  So I will just plug away trying to maintain status quo the best I can and take it one day at a time.
I wanted to give a special shout out to my BBFF and her family for helping us with the kids during my medical crisis last week.  Leanne for being there for me during all of this. My mom for taking care of me, my FMD sisters for being such great support and of course all of the rest of my family and friends that show me love and support during these down times.
Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Hi honey,
This is my first visit to your blog. Sorry about that. I will read the entire contents and bookmark it at home and at work so I can keep up. I like your writing. Aren't you so very proud of me for not nagging you about school? I love you so much Chane and am looking forward to seeing you again soon. Are you back from your Mom and Dad's? Please give my love to LeaLea, Nate, Wynter and the most adorable child ever! Mr. Conner!

Anonymous said...

Hey BBFF- You are very welcome and I am glad you are doing better. We are here for you ANYTIME and will take those kids anytime you and Lele want a break! You are a very strong person and I am glad to call you my BBFF