Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Well that sucked!

 So, Sunday night my FMD decided to act up and I had a TIA.  I don't remember exactly all how it happened but I know I got a headache behind my left eye, my left arm went weak and weird, and thank gawd Leanne was there but I got pretty unsteady on my feet.  Well as it happened Leanne did say that my left side of my face did get kinda droopy especially my eye too. So with that I text my bbff and said I may need a ride to the hospital, and next thing I know she offered to take the kids and for once I didn't fight Leanne and went to the ER. 
  Once we got there I was still unsteady and they took me right back. I guess for once it was nice not to have to wait in the waiting room for 3-6 hours.  Anyway I guess my blood pressure was slightly elevated but not high which is good. But the next thing I know I was in a room, and they were putting in an IV and telling me I was going for a CT.  All I really remember is having to go to the bathroom and they wouldn't let me up, and I was mad. So I told them I would hold it until they would let me up and I did just that. They wanted to put a catheter in me... Hell and No is what I said to that! The other good thing was they gave me some shot to calm me down too I guess, I was pretty agitated about not being able to get up to go to the bathroom or anything else for that matter.  Next thing was an MRI/MRA and being admitted.  The rest is very fuzzy till the next late morning. 
  So on Monday I had an angiogram to determine if they could put stents in. All this time, I was told they couldn't do an angiogram and there was no possibility of stent or any other surgery because my dissection (on the right side) was too high up and it was too risky. And the left side was completed blocked and there was nothing they could do for that. Well. These new doctors think they know better. They wanted to do the angiogram to see how bad my carotids really are, but also to check on an area in my upper brain that had "slow blood flow." They didn't see any dissections in the upper brain on the MRI/MRA but they couldn't be sure.  And since they were in there doing this whole angiogram thing they asked Leanne to sign the consent form so they could do the part where they looked at my Celiac artery (the MALS) (they forgot to have me sign before they took me back).  Turns out I do have MALS and will have to face those decisions in the future as well.

  Finally today (Tuesday) I had a finally CT scan to check the blood flow (remember the top of the brain stuff) and everything looked good. So bottom line is I do not need a stent at this time, and they will only put stents in if it is a last resort and I have another TIA event like this last one. But the important thing here is they CAN do it if needed, whereas I was told before it was impossible.
  So now I am off to rest as I am beat up and tired.  Thank you for all the well wishes and thoughts and caring. And for those of you that didn't know before now please don't be offended that we didn't contact you personally its not personal its just hard to do for everyone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Co-Chair!!! I'm sending you big ginormous hugs!!