Monday, November 15, 2010

I've been thinking again. Oh NO!

Well this is a random thoughts and updates blog now isn't it? I have been thinking about this whole activism thing.  I am pretty sure that I am clueless on how to be an activist but I am pretty sure all you need is passion.  I have passion but what I think lack is energy.  Isn't that what it really takes to be an activist?  Now there are many things that I would like to actively go out and get the word out about but in my world right now that would be of course FMD and how this disease is affecting more people the previously thought.  A friend told me a couple of weeks ago about a man who I believe was 43 (may have been 47) died instantly FMD of the coronary arteries, and it caused a heart attack.  It was only found after his wife who pushed for a autopsy because he was so young. It was a rare form of FMD but no the less it was FMD and it killed this man it is sad and tragic!  This is scary people, this disease is killing people and its being missed because doctors don't know what the hell they are looking for, nor do they know what the hell they are looking at!  We need to get the word out, we need to be talking to the our doctors, we need to question them if we have high blood pressure (as this could be a warning sign of FMD in the renal arteries). We need to get the word out to our friends and family as too many MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN are not getting the proper diagnosis and treatments and they could then suffer the same fate as this young 43 year old man did. 
As some of you already know, but many of you may not my paternal grandmother died at the age of 34, she passed from a brain aneurysm.  With my doctors and piecing together what family history I have, we have concluded that she too probably had FMD.  So there is the strong possibility of a genetic link as well, but then again I wonder a lot about this, considering how many people we are finding with this damn disease.
Anyway, maybe this is my way of being an activist by writing to all of you on my blog, because maybe just maybe some of you will tell someone that you love about this friend you have that has this shitty disease called Fibromuscular Dysplasia. And in turn they will talk to their doctor and another friend. 
But that's all for tonight,

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Good post tonight love!